Water Systems Installation

Experienced Installation Crews

If you haven't yet purchased a pump and pressure tank, we can help you choose the right equipment in order to get the most from your available water source.

Choosing the right pump and pressure tank is important for both the quality of your water, the efficiency in which it works, and the effect on your finances. An inadequate system will not deliver the full benefits of your water supply, while an oversized pump will eat up your budget without improving your well's pumping efficiency. The professionals at Jensen Well have the knowledge and experience to help you select the right equipment for your well.

Once we've drilled your well or located another water source and have helped you select the appropriate system for your water supply's capacity, we can complete your water system installation for you.

After a detailed consultation to determine your needs, we will get started on your water system installation. Our experienced installation crews will run a line from your well to your house or hydrant, or they can connect a rural water source to your house or construction site.

For more information or to get started with a free consultation, please contact us.

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Service Areas

We offer Residential and Commercial well drilling services in Western Iowa and Eastern Nebraska.

Member Organizations

We are proud to be a part of these fine associations:

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Contact Us

Jensen Well Company
575 S. 1st St.
Blair, NE 68008
Phone: (402) 426-2585
Out of Area Phone: (800) 852-8561
Fax: (402) 426-2510

Debbie Cornish, office manager: dcornish@sneakersonfire.net

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